
Remote ID Has Arrived—Here’s Everything You Need to Know

BY Zacc Dukowitz
24 April 2024

The FAA’s Remote ID rule is in effect for all drone operations for any drone that weighs .55 to 55 pounds.

The FAA’s Remote ID rule went into effect on September 16, 2023. But the FAA extended the deadline for enforcement to March 16, 2024.

Now that date has passed, and the Remote ID rule is in effect.

The rule applies to both commercial drone pilots and recreational flyers—keep reading to learn everything you need to know in order to be compliant.


It’s important to note that the FAA won’t grant any further extensions. After the new deadline, operators who aren’t compliant “could face fines and suspension or revocation of pilot certificates.”

We created this resource to help you understand the Remote ID requirements for drone operations in the U.S. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about Remote ID and how to be compliant, regardless of whether you fly commercially or just for fun.

Here’s a menu in case you’d like to jump around:

What Is Remote ID?

The FAA defines Remote ID as “. . . the ability of a drone in flight to provide identification and location information that can be received by other parties through a broadcast signal.”

What is Remote ID?

Put simply, Remote ID allows your drone to be identified remotely.

By broadcasting identifying information, the FAA aims at making the skies safer, allowing them and other authorized parties to know who is flying in the airspace at any given time.

The specific Remote ID data the drone needs to broadcast from takeoff to shutdown is:

  • Drone ID
  • Drone Location and Altitude
  • Drone Velocity
  • Control Station Location and Elevation
  • Time Mark
  • Emergency Status

Who Has to Comply with Remote ID Drone Requirements?

All drones need to be compliant with the Remote ID rule when flying in the U.S., regardless of whether they’re being flown for commercial or recreational purposes.

There are just two exceptions:

  • Drones that weigh less than .55 pounds AND will be flown only for recreational purposes do not have to comply with Remote ID requirements.
  • If you fly ONLY in an FAA-Recognized Identification Area (FRIA) you do not have to comply with Remote ID requirements.

Learn more about FRIAs.

Remote ID Compliance for Drones: Everything YOU Need to Know

How to Comply with the Remote ID Rule

There are three ways to comply with the broadcasting requirement of the Remote ID rule:

  1. Use Standard Remote ID. This is the Remote ID capability built into the drone (your drone may need a firmware update for it to have Standard Remote ID)
  2. Use a Remote ID module. Some drones don’t have firmware updates that will make them compliant, and will require you to attach a module to them so they can broadcast a Remote ID signal
  3. Fly only in a FRIA (FAA-Recognized Identification Area). If you fly in a FRIA you don’t need to broadcast a Remote ID signal or do anything else to be compliant—just by flying in the FRIA, you are compliant.


Two Buckets for Compliance

Another way to look at these compliance options is that you have FRIA flights, which will be a very small group of people, and then you have everyone else, which will be the majority of drone flights.

For the latter bucket—that is, for anyone who just wants to fly—there are two things you’ll need to do to be compliant with Remote ID.

Here they are:

  1. Broadcast a Remote ID signal from your drone while flying. We covered this above—you can broadcast a Remote ID signal from your drone using Standard Remote ID, in which the drone itself is broadcasting the signal, or by attaching a Remote ID Broadcast module to your drone to broadcast the signal.
  2. Register your drone with the FAA for Remote ID. You’ll need to use your drone’s Remote ID Serial Number and make sure to specify the type of Remote ID.

We’ll go into each of these two requirements in detail in the next two sections.

How to Broadcast a Remote ID Signal from Your Drone

The first thing you need to do to be compliant with the Remote ID rule is to broadcast a Remote ID signal from your drone.

There are two ways you can broadcast a Remote ID signal:

  1. Use a drone with standard Remote ID
  2. Attach a Remote ID broadcast module to your drone

Keep reading for in-depth information on each of these two options for broadcasting a Remote ID signal.

1. Use a Drone with Standard Remote ID

There are two ways for your drone to have Standard Remote ID:

  • Buy a drone that has Standard Remote ID built into it.
  • Update the firmware on your drone to add Standard Remote ID.

Here is more information on each of these two:

1a. Buy a drone that has Standard Remote ID built into it.

If you have a newer drone then it may already have Standard Remote ID built into it, since all drones made on or after September 16, 2022 are supposed to be compliant.

But some drone companies are behind with compliance, and the FAA has been lenient with companies who were behind on meeting the 2022 deadline. Just because your drone was made after that date doesn’t automatically mean it is Remote ID compliant.

For this reason, it’s important to confirm that the drone you’re buying is actually compliant.

2a. Update the firmware on your drone to add Standard Remote ID.

For older drones, companies are releasing firmware updates to make them compliant with Remote ID requirements.

This means that even if your drone doesn’t currently have Standard Remote ID, you might be able to easily add it just by updating your drone’s firmware.

Keep reading for a list of some of the drones that can currently be made compliant via a firmware update.

Two things to note:

  • This list is not exhaustive. We encourage you to do your own research to find out whether your specific drone(s) can be made Remote ID compliant via a firmware update.
  • This list was published on August 9, 2023. More firmware updates may come out after the publication of this list.


Drones that Can Be Made Remote ID Compliant via Firmware Updates


  • DJI Avata
  • DJI Agras T40
  • DJI Mavic 3 Pro
  • DJI Mavic 3 Pro Cine
  • DJI Mavic 3
  • DJI Mavic 3 Classic
  • DJI Mavic 3 Cine
  • DJI Mavic 3 Enterprise
  • DJI Mavic 3 Thermal
  • DJI Mavic 3 Multispectral
  • DJI Inspire 3
  • DJI M350 RTK
  • DJI M300 RTK
  • DJI Matrice 30
  • DJI Matrice 30 Thermal
  • DJI Mavic Pro Platinum
  • DJI Air 2S
  • DJI Mini 3
  • DJI Mini 3 Pro


  • The Elios 3 RID


  • Microdrones MD4-3000
  • Microdrones MD4-1000


  • The Skydio 2
  • The Skydio 2+
  • The Skydio X2E


  • WingtraOne Gen II

2. Attach a Remote ID Broadcast Module to Your Drone

If you have an older drone that doesn’t have Remote ID and that can’t get it via a firmware update, you’ll need to buy a broadcast module and attach it to your drone to be compliant.

Here are some broadcast modules to consider:

How to Find Your Remote ID Serial Number

The Remote ID serial number for your drone could be different from the aircraft serial number.


Here’s how to find your drone’s remote ID serial number:

  • Check in the drone’s mobile app. For most modern drones, the serial number can be found within the app that is used to operate the drone. For DJI drones, this is usually the DJI Fly app or DJI Go app depending on the model.
  • Check the drone’s body. Some drones have the serial number printed on the body, often under the battery or on the tail.
  • Check the user manual. The user manual typically includes information on where to find the serial number.
  • Check the manufacturer’s website. Visiting the manufacturer’s website or contacting their support can provide guidance specific to your drone model.

What Is a FRIA?

The FAA defines a FRIA (FAA-Recognized Identification Area) as a “geographic area where drones can be flown without Remote ID equipment.”

Here are a few things to know about flying in a FRIA:

  • You have to stay within the boundaries of the FRIA the entire time you’re flying.
  • You have to maintain a visual line of sight with your drone throughout your flight.
  • Drones equipped with the ability to broadcast a Remote ID signal can also fly in a FRIA but they must broadcast Remote ID information.

As we covered above, the option of flying in a FRIA is quite limited.

But for those who want to fly drones just for fun—also called recreational flyers by the FAA—this could be worth considering.

Under this option, there’s no need to worry about having a drone with Standard Remote ID or attaching a broadcast module to your drone to comply with Remote ID. All you have to do is go to a FRIA and fly.

Want to Create a FRIA?

Only FAA-recognized Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and educational institutions like primary and secondary schools, trade schools, colleges, and universities can request the establishment of a FRIA.

If you meet the criteria, here is how you can create a FRIA:*

  • Go to the FAADroneZone—this is where you’ll create and submit your FRIA application.
  • Create an account, or log into your existing account.
  • Click “Add a Service” from the FAADroneZone Services screen.
  • Click “Select FRIA Service” followed by the “Add Service” button.
  • Launch the FRIA dashboard and then confirm your profile.
  • Click “Create a FRIA Application” from the FRIA dashboard.
  • Complete and submit the FRIA application.

*Taken from the FAA’s webpage devoted to FRIAs

Remote ID Resources

Want to learn more about Remote ID? Here’s a list of resources in case you want to dive deeper:

Remote ID Deadline Extension—A Short History

Curious about the history of the Remote ID extension and why it happened? This section covers the 6-month pushback for Remote ID enforcement to March 16, 2024 and why it happened.

In an announcement published on September 13, just three days before the original Remote ID deadline, the FAA stated:

Drone pilots who are unable to comply with the broadcast requirement of the Remote ID Rule will now have until March 16, 2024, to equip their aircraft. After that date, operators could face fines and suspension or revocation of pilot certificates.

It’s important to note that the FAA didn’t extended the compliance deadline for Remote ID. Rather, it extended the deadline for enforcing compliance.

In an interview with The Drone Girl related to the extension, Kevin Morris, UAS/AAM Coordinator for the FAA, said:

One thing I want to mention right away is that the deadline for drone pilots to comply with Remote ID has not changed. Drone pilots are still expected to comply with the rule, however we understand that for a variety of reasons they may not be able to.

While this may seem like semantics, it’s important to the FAA.

The distinction is that the FAA exptected drone pilots who could comply to start doing so. But if you couldn’t, you were given a six month grace period in which there will be no enforcement—meaning, no fines or other punishment.

If this sounds confusing, you’re not alone. This statement is probably the clearest summation out there to explain how to navigate the enforcement vs. compliance distinction:

One way to think about this is: if you can easily comply with the rules by updating your drone’s software, you ought to do so because there is no excuse for not complying. If you need to attach a module and none are available, you should be OK for a while longer.

– Brendan Schulman, VP of Policy & Legal Affairs

This FAA document lays out the full Remote ID enforcement extension policy if you’d like to learn more.

Why Did the FAA Extend the Remote ID Deadline?

There are four main reasons the FAA extended the deadline:

  • Lack of supply for Remote ID broadcast modules
  • The FAA’s slow approvals of manufacturer Declarations of Compliance
  • Lack of software updates from manufacturers
  • The FAA’s delays with FRIA approvals

Let’s take a look at each one.

1. Lack of supply for Remote ID broadcast modules

When you read the FAA’s announcement, the only comment made on why it’s providing an extension is this: “In making this decision, the FAA recognizes the unanticipated issues that some operators are experiencing finding some remote identification broadcast modules.”

[Related read: What Is a Remote ID Module? A Complete Guide to FAA-Compliant Remote ID Broadcast Modules]

Although the FAA doesn’t elaborate, the backstory here is that there has been a short supply of broadcast modules.

A broadcast module is one of the two main ways you can be compliant with Remote ID requirements (jump down for more information on how to be compliant).

The Dronetag Mini, a Remote ID broadcast module made by Dronetag

In general, broadcast modules are used for older drone models that either don’t come automatically compliant or that can’t be made compliant through a firmware update. With these types of drones, the only way to be compliant is to add a module to them that broadcasts key identifying information, thus satisfying the requirements of Remote ID.

But even though companies that make these modules knew the Remote ID deadline was approaching, all the big ones were completely sold out as of a week before the original deadline.

Acknowledging this shortage, the FAA first signaled that it would provide relief at Commercial UAV Expo in early September.

During his keynote on September 5, Brandon Roberts, the FAA’s Executive Director of the Office of Rulemaking, said that the FAA would not seek to punish operators who want to comply but “simply can’t get a module.”

2. The FAA’s slow approvals of manufacturer Declarations of Compliance

The lack of broadcast modules may be the biggest and most public reason the FAA extended the Remote ID deadline. But another reason to extend the deadline was that the FAA has been moving slowly on issuing Declaration of Compliance approvals to drone companies.

A Declaration of Compliance (DOC) is a record submitted to the FAA by the producer of a Standard Remote ID drone or Remote ID broadcast module to attest that all production requirements of the rule have been met. The rule establishes minimum performance requirements describing the desired outcomes, goals, and results for Remote ID without establishing a specific means or process.

– FAA’s Remote ID for Industry and Standards Bodies

Declarations of Compliance are essentially confirmation that the company has met the Remote ID requirements.

While you could buy a drone that hasn’t yet received its declaration, it would be reassuring to know that it had. So moving slowly on getting declarations out has definitely been an issue for consumers who are trying to do their due diligence, and buy compliant drones.

Want to see if your drone is officially compliant? Here is the FAA’s full Declaration of Compliance list for every drone that has a declaration filed. (The list includes declarations both for Remote ID and for Operations Over People.)

3. Lack of software updates from manufacturers

Another reason an extension was reasonable, and one the FAA probably factored into its decision, is that some companies were still hustling to catch up.

Drone companies were supposed to start manufacturing Remote ID-compliant drones as of September 16, 2022. And they were also supposed to be issuing firmware updates to make drones manufactured prior to that date compliant.

But not all companies have met either or both of these requirements for all their drones. Some still haven’t issued updates for all their drone models, which means there could be people who own a drone and want to be compliant, but can’t because there isn’t a way to make the necessary updates.

The DJI Mavic 2 Pro | Credit: DJI

Even DJI, which has issued a huge list of firmware updates for Remote ID compliance, still has these drone models that don’t have one:

  • DJI Mavic 2
  • DJI Mavic 2 Zoom
  • DJI Mavic 2 Pro
  • DJI Air 2
  • DJI Phantom 4 Pro V2

And DJI isn’t the only one. There are several other drone models out there lacking software updates to make them compliant.

4. The FAA’s delays with FRIA Approvals

FRIA stands for FAA-Recognized Identification Area. Under the Remote ID rule, you can be compliant by flying a drone with a broadcast module or by flying a drone that’s compliant due to being manufactured that way or due to becoming compliant through a firmware update.

But there’s also a third way to be compliant: flying in a FRIA.

If you fly in a FRIA, you don’t have to worry about Remote ID technology at all. You can fly an old drone that’s not compliant in terms of technology in a FRIA and be compliant because of where you’re flying.

This is great if you don’t want to deal with the headaches—or cost—of compliance.

The only problem is that the FAA has been slow to approve FRIA requests. As of August 18, the FAA had only approved 412 FRIA applications, with another 1,206 left waiting for approval—and more requests coming in all the time.

This delay was another contributing factor in the FAA’s decision to extend the enforcement deadline.

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